
World Diabetes Day 2020 | Healthy Diet to Control Diabetes

Inability to produce enough insulin or failure to use insulin to regulate blood glucose gives rise to a life-threatening disease called Diabetes which is now a leading cause of, kidney failure, heart attack, stroke, blindness, nerve damage and even amputation of lower limbs. Over the last 40 years, the number of people suffering from diabetes […]

World Mental Health Day 2020 – Activities to Improve Mental Health

The everyday hustle to the work, imbalanced work-life and limited ‘me’ time can snowball into chronic stress copping blows to the mental health when left unchecked. A mental problem is a far more a threat to us than any other physical problem for the reason that most of the people do not take it seriously […]

Bowed Legs Treatment for Babies in Mumbai by Dr. Niraj Vora

Bowed legs in babies is a common condition where the baby’s legs curved outward at an unnatural angle at the knees while the feet are together at their usual position. Though most of the babies aged 1-2 years show varying degrees of the bow-leggedness, as the babies start to walk, the bones straighten out and […]

Exercises for Those With Joint Problems – Dr. Niraj Vora

According to Dr. Niraj Vora, an eminent Specialist in Joint replacement Surgery, physical activities, which include joint pain exercises can be most rewarding when it comes to joint pain, joint problems and other issues. Low impact and moderate intensity exercises can give additional benefits and improve the quality of life. The benefits you can get […]

Common hip problems and its treatments

Hip Pain is usually connected with aged process wherein the joints suffer wear and tear due to normal physical actions. It can also be caused due to major accidents foremost to displacement of joints. The accurate site of your hip pain can allowance valuable clues about the original cause. This condition is very common now-a-days […]

Causes of Arthritis Pain

You will be shocked to know, but there are more than 100 diseases relating to arthritis. Therefore, it is inevitable to get help of best arthritis treatment from reputed specialist, before it is too late. The most common problem, which can be treated well, is the tear and wear of joints. This takes place whenever […]

Partial knee replacement versus total knee replacement: Which is right for you?

For old and young patients suffering from arthritis or knee problems, total or partial knee replacement surgery is the most feasible options nowadays. While for some group of patients, partial knee replacement is the only option, whereas for others total knee replacement can be the last resort. Differences between the partial and the total knee […]

Dr Niraj Vora – A Focus on AAOS Study Finding on Outpatient, Inpatient Orthopaedic Surgeries

2014 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) has revealed many interesting facts on Total Joint Replacement as a same day procedure and Implications of Outpatient vs. Inpatient Total Joint Arthroplasty on Hospital Readmission Rates. The study revealed amazing results on comparable outcomes for outpatient, inpatient orthopaedic surgeries. It is observed, most […]

Dr Niraj Vora – Hip Resurfacing Surgery

Hip Resurfacing Surgery alike hip replacement surgery, is also a procedure that involves joint replacement. But in Hip Resurfacing Surgery, the kind of implant used and the process involved is different from Hip Replacement Surgery. To know the difference between Hip Replacement Surgery and a Hip Resurfacing Surgery, it is always better to know the Hip […]

Dr Niraj Vora: Faster Recovery from Hip and Knee Surgery

The term “Surgery” itself gives a mindset of resting and being inactive for certain period to any patient, who attempts to undergo it. People assume a surgery would make them an energetic and lively person only after the initial suffering of the pain due to the surgical process. Recovery to any surgery is long and […]