Trochanteric Bursitis Causes and Treatment

“Bursitis” is never a good word to hear. It is only uttered only in cases of severe pain that is the result of inflammation caused to fluid-filled sacs called bursae. And when this bursitis happens near the large weight-bearing joint like the hip joint, it is even more painful and even, disabling at times.

Unfortunately, trochanteric bursitis which is bursitis near the hip region is the most common and also a painful condition among the cases of bursitis that are often treated at our clinic by hip specialist Dr Niraj Vora.

What is bursitis and why does it happen near the joints? What causes trochanteric bursitis and how to identify and get treated early? We asked our top hip specialist and hip replacement surgeon in Mumbai Dr Niraj Vora the same questions and we transcribed the answers for you here:

Why does bursitis cause joint pain?

These bursae are present in almost every joint across the body. The primary role of these fluid-filled sacs is to cushion the joints and reduce the friction between the moving parts in these joints. Since every movement is the interaction between soft tissues like ligament tendon, ligament, muscle and hard surfaces like bone, a burse between them simplifies and eases gliding. Give or take there are around 140 bursae in the human body and almost all at the joints. So irritated and inflamed bursae always result in joint pain.

What is Trochanteric bursitis? What are its symptoms?

Trochanteric bursitis is inflammation of the bursa that is present at the greater trochanter which is the outside lateral point of the hip. The inflammation of the bursa results in pain outside of the thigh, hip or buttocks. This pain may usually manifest when climbing stairs or even when raising from a seated chair.

“Pain outside the lateral hip when lying, seated, or climbing stairs are the most common trochanteric bursitis symptom experienced by patients we treated at our clinic”, says hip replacement specialist in Mumbai Dr Niraj Vora.

Trochanteric Hip Bursitis Causes:

Inflammation of the bursa outside the lateral side of the hip is a little unusual place for pain, right? Yes, that is partly true which is why physical injury or trauma is the leading cause of trochanteric bursitis. Previous surgery, the stress of soft tissue, incorrect posture, and hip bone spurs or overuse injury are other common causes of Trochanteric Hip Bursitis.

What happens when Trochanteric Bursitis is left untreated?

When left untreated these bursa gets enlarged leading to chronic pain in short term, movement difficulties, muscle atrophy and loss in the long term. The pain can be so debilitating that no one ignores the treatment for Trochanteric Bursitis.

Trochanteric Bursitis Treatment:

Most of the cases of Trochanteric Bursitis are solved by simple non-surgical options. The treatment course suggested is usually based on reducing pain, retaining mobility, avoiding further atrophy or disability and of course reducing inflammation. Treatment includes rest, heat and cold application followed by: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroid injections and physical therapy. Surgery is only considered when these options fail to give necessary relief. So no matter at what stage your bursitis is right now it can be treated effectively.

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, we suggest you consult a hip specialist in Mumbai as soon as possible. In case you live in Mumbai Dr Niraj Vora is the top hip replacement surgeon in Mumbai who has treated hundreds of Trochanteric Bursitis cases and he can help you too. Contact him here: @Call: +91-22-6686 8600